About Me
Chia-Ho Ou received the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan.
He is currently a full professor with the Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering and the dean of the College of Computer Science, National Pingtung University, Pingtung, Taiwan.
He was a visiting professor with the Broadband Communications Research (BBCR) Group, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, ON, Canada, and a visiting scholar with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Victoria, Victoria, BC, Canada.
His current research interests include Quantum Computing, Artificial Intelligence, and Internet of Things.
Dr. Ou was a recipient of the Lam Research Thesis Award.
He is a member of the IEEE, the ACM, and the Phi Tau Phi Honor Scholastic Society.
Professional Experience
Dean, College of Computer Science, National Pingtung University, Taiwan (2023 - present)
Associate Dean, College of Computer Science, National Pingtung University, Taiwan (2020 - 2023)
Director, International Master Program in Information Technology and Applications, National Pingtung University, Taiwan (2021 - 2023)
Professor, Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering, National Pingtung University, Taiwan (2016 - present)
Visiting Scholar, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Victoria, Canada (2016 - 2018)
Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering, National Pingtung University, Taiwan (2014 - 2016)
Visiting Professor, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Waterloo, Canada (2012 - 2013)
Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering, National Pingtung Institute of Commerce, Taiwan (2011 - 2014)
Chief of Information Network Section, Division of Computer Center, National Pingtung Institute of Commerce, Taiwan (2007 - 2011)
Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering, National Pingtung Institute of Commerce, Taiwan (2007 - 2011)
Engineer, M-Skylink Telecom, Inc. (2006 - 2007)
Second Lieutenant, Communication and Electronic Base Service Depot, Combined Logistics Command, Taiwan (2005 - 2006)
Research Assistant, Department of Electrical Engineering, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan (2001 - 2005)
System Administrator, Department of Electrical Engineering, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan (2001 - 2005)
Academic Activity
Editor, Journal of Networking and Network Applications (J-NaNA), 2021-present.
Founding Member, SIG on Cognitive Communications and Networking in Cyber-Physical Systems (CCNCPS), IEEE ComSoc Cognitive Networks Technical Committee, 2017-present.
Track Co-Chair, the IEEE 97th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2023-Fall), Florence, Italy, June 20-23, 2023.
TPC Member, the 2023 IEEE International Conference on Industry 4.0, Artificial Intelligence and Communications Technology (IAICT 2023), Bali, Indonesia, July 13-15, 2023.
Special Session Co-Chairs, the 2023 IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics – Taiwan (ICCE-TW 2023), Pingtun, Taiwan, July 17-19 2023.
TPC Member, the 2022 International Conference on Informatics and Computational Sciences (ICICoS 2022), Semarang, Indonesia, Sept. 28-29, 2022.
TPC Member, the 2022 IEEE International Conference on Cybernetics and Computational Intelligence (CyberneticsCom 2022), Malang, Indonesia, June 16-18, 2022.
TPC Member, the 2022 IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Dec. 4-8, 2022.
TPC Member, the 2022 IEEE International Conference on Internet of Things and Intelligence System (IoTaIS 2022), Bali, Indonesia, Nov. 24-26, 2022.
TPC Member, the 2022 IEEE International Conference on Industry 4.0, Artificial Intelligence and Communications Technology (IAICT 2022), Bali, Indonesia, July 28-31, 2022.
TPC Member, the 11th IEEE International Conference on Communications, Network, and Satellite (IEEE Comnetsat 2022), Virtual, Nov. 3-5, 2022.
Track Co-Chairs, the IEEE 94th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2021-Fall), Virtual, Sept. 27-30, 2021.
TPC Member, the 2021 IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), Madrid, Spain, Dec. 7-11, 2021.
TPC Member, the IEEE International Conference on Internet of Things and Intelligence System (IoTaIS 2021), Virtual, Nov 23-24, 2021.
TPC Member, the IEEE 94th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2021-Fall), Virtual, Sept. 27-30, 2021.
TPC Member, the 2021 IEEE International Conference on Industry 4.0, Artificial Intelligence and Communications Technology (IAICT’2021), Virtual, July 27-28, 2021
TPC Member, the 10th IEEE International Conference on Communications, Network, and Satellite (IEEE Comnetsat 2021), Virtual, July 17-18, 2021.
Track Co-Chairs, the IEEE 92nd Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2020-Fall), Victoria, British Columbia, Canada, Oct. 4-7 2020.
TPC Member, IEEE International Conference on Industry 4.0, Artificial Intelligence, and Communications Technology (IAICT), Bali, Indonesia, July 7-9, 2020
TPC Member, the 1st Conference on Internet of Things and Embedded Intelligence (CITEI 2020), Yogyakarta, Indonesia, July 29-30, 2020.
TPC Member, the 12th International Conference on Communication Software and Networks (ICCSN 2020), Chongqing, China, June 12-15, 2020.
TPC Member, the IEEE 19th International Conference on Communication Technology (IEEE ICCT2019), Xi'an, China, Oct. 16-19, 2019.
TPC Member, the 22nd International Symposium on Wireless Personal Multimedia Communications (WPMC 2019), Lisbon, Portugal, Nov. 24-27, 2019.
Track Co-Chairs, the 2019 International Conference on Networking and Network Applications (NaNA), Daegu City, Korea, Oct. 10-13, 2019.
TPC Member, the 2018 IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), Abu Dhabi, UAE, Dec. 9-13, 2018.
TPC Member, the 4th International Conference on Control, Electronics, Renewable Energy, and Communications (ICCEREC 2018), Bandung, Indonesia, Dec. 5-7, 2018.
TPC Member, the 2018 International Conference on Internet of Things and Intelligence System (IoTaIS), Bali, Indonesia, Nov. 1–3, 2018.
TPC Member, the 10th International Conference on Wireless Communications and Signal Processing (WCSP), Hangzhou, China, Oct. 18-20, 2018.
TPC Member, the 2nd International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Informatics (IConEEI), Batam, Indonesia, Oct. 16-17, 2018.
TPC Member, the 18th IEEE International Conference on Communication Technology (ICCT), Chongqing, China, Oct. 8-11, 2018.
TPC Member, the 2nd International Conference on Signals and Systems (ICSigSys), Bali, Indonesia, May 1-3, 2018.
TPC Member, the 20th International Symposium on Wireless Personal Multimedia Communications (WPMC), Bali, Indonesia, Dec. 17-20, 2017.
TPC Member, the 2017 IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), Singapore, Dec. 4-8, 2017.
TPC Member, the 17th IEEE International Conference on Communication Technology (ICCT), Chengdu, China, Oct. 27-30, 2017.
Track Co-Chairs, the 2017 International Conference on Networking and Network Applications (NaNA), Kathmandu City, Nepal, Oct. 16-19, 2017.
TPC Member, The 2017 IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC-Fall), Toronto, Canada, Sept. 24-27, 2017.
TPC Member, the 9th IEEE International Conference on Communication Software and Networks (ICCSN), GuangZhou, China, May 6-8, 2017.
TPC Member, the 12th Workshop on Wireless Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks (WASN), Nantou, Taiwan, Aug. 23-24, 2016.
Track Co-Chairs, 2016 International Conference on Networking and Network Applications (NaNA), Hakodate City, Hokkaido, Japan, July 13-15, 2016.
TPC Member, the First International Workshop on Security, Privacy, and Trustworthiness in Medical Cyber Physical System (MedSPT 2016), Washington DC, USA, June 27-29, 2016 (conjunction with IEEE CHASE 2016).
Program Co-Chairs, the 2016 Symposium on Digital Life Technologies (DLT), Pingtung, Taiwan, June 18-19, 2016.
TPC Member, the 2015 IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), San Diego, CA, USA, Dec. 6-10, 2015.
TPC Member, the 11th Workshop on Wireless Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks (WASN), Nantou, Taiwan, Aug. 25-26, 2015.
TPC Member, the International Conference on Software Intelligence, Technologies and Applications (SIT), Hsinchu, Taiwan, Dec. 4-6, 2014.
TPC Member, the 10th Workshop on Wireless Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks (WASN), Tainan, Taiwan, Aug. 26-27, 2014.
TPC Member, the 4th IEEE International Conference on Smart Grid Communications (SmartGridComm), Vancouver, Canada, Oct. 21-24, 2013.
TPC Member, the 10th International Conference on Communications, Circuits and Systems (ICCCAS), Taichung, Taiwan, Aug. 20-22, 2012.
TPC Member, the 7th Workshop on Wireless Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks (WASN), Hsinchu, Taiwan, Sept. 1-2, 2011.
Session Chair, the 2010 International Computer Symposium (ICS), Tainan, Taiwan, Dec. 17, 2010.
Workshop Co-Chair, the 2010 International Computer Symposium (ICS), Tainan, Taiwan, Dec. 16-18, 2010.
TPC Member, the 6th Workshop on Wireless Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks (WASN), Taipei, Taiwan, Sept. 2-3, 2010.
TPC Member, the 5th Workshop on Wireless Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks (WASN), Hsinchu, Taiwan, Sept. 10-11, 2009.
Session Chair, 2008年數位學習與生活研討會, National Pingtung University of Education, Taiwan, May 26, 2008.
TPC Member, the 4th Workshop on Wireless Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks (WASN), Tainan, Taiwan, Sept. 4-5, 2008.
TPC Member, the 2008 International Workshop on Advanced Distance Education Technologies (ADET), Lanzhou University, China, July 15-16, 2008.
TPC Member, the IEEE 22nd International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (AINA), GinoWan, Okinawa, Japan, Mar. 25-28, 2008.
TPC Member, the 3rd Workshop on Wireless Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks (WASN), Taipei, Taiwan, Sept. 6-7, 2007.
TPC Member, the 5th International Conference on Communications, Circuits and Systems (ICCCAS), Fukuoka, Japan, July 11-13, 2007.
數位發展部數位產業署「2023 AI+新銳選拔賽」榮獲決選 (2023)
2022放視大賞行動應用類-軟體內容組入圍 (指導教授) (2022)
110年度教育部智慧創新跨域跨校專題研究成果聯合競賽「潛力無限獎」(指導教授) (2022)
2021放視大賞行動應用類-軟體內容組入圍 (指導教授) (2021)
教育部2020跨領域智慧創新暨創意應用競賽「亞軍」(指導教授) (2020)
科技部104年度大專校院獎勵特殊優秀人才措施計畫補助 (2015-2016)
2015通訊大賽-智慧城市應用服務設計競賽「企業獎」(指導教授) (2015)
科技部103年度大專校院獎勵特殊優秀人才措施計畫補助 (2014-2015)
國科會101年度大專校院獎勵特殊優秀人才措施計畫補助 (2012-2013)
國科會100年度大專校院獎勵特殊優秀人才措施計畫補助 (2011-2012)
國科會99年度大專校院獎勵特殊優秀人才措施計畫補助 (2010-2011)
第一屆大同電信WiMAX創意應用大賽「創意佳作獎」(指導教授) (2008)
Lam Research Thesis Award, Lam Research Corporation (2006)
Member of Phi Tau Phi Honor Scholastic Society (2005)
113年度國科會計畫: 綠色量子物流:面向淨零碳排的無人機與貨車配送策略最佳化, NSTC 113-2221-E-153-007, 20240801-20250731, 主持人
113年度產學合作計畫: 經濟部商業發展署建構零售暨服務業數據共享創新服務計畫【數據驅動需求預測創新門市管理】智慧人員排班系統模組, 揚秦國際企業股份有限公司委託, 主持人
113年度產學合作計畫: 經濟部商業發展署建構零售暨服務業數據共享創新服務計畫【數據驅動需求預測創新門市管理】智慧銷售分析預測系統模組, 揚秦國際企業股份有限公司委託, 共同主持人
113年度產學合作計畫: 經濟部商業發展署建構零售暨服務業數據共享創新服務計畫【數據驅動需求預測創新門市管理】智慧產品預製分析系統模組, 揚秦國際企業股份有限公司委託, 共同主持人
112年度產學合作計畫: 量子計算在 AI(ML)應用之演算法研究及實驗設計研究, 資訊工業策進會軟體技術研究院委託, 主持人
112年度教育部計畫: 智慧創新跨域潛力人才培育示範學校:VAR+BDM 2.0 智慧創新關鍵人才躍升計畫, 20230201-20240131, 主持人
111年度國科會計畫: 在GPS無法使用環境中基於單一路側設備的車輛位置校準機制, MOST 111-2221-E-153-004, 20220801-20240731, 主持人
111年度教育部計畫「大專校院STEM領域及女性研發人才培育計畫:人工智慧STEM女性研發人才培育計畫」, 20220801-20230731, 主持人
111年度教育部計畫: 智慧創新跨域人才培育聯盟計畫「智慧創新人才培育示範學校:VAR體感跨域創新人才培育計畫」, 20220201-20230131, 協同主持人
110年度產學合作計畫: 生物技術分析模型設計與數位轉型, 億陞智生技股份有限公司委託, 共同主持人
110年度教育部計畫「大專校院STEM領域及女性研發人才培育計畫:人工智慧STEM女性研發人才培育計畫」, 20210801-20220731, 主持人
110年度科技部計畫: 科學園區人才培育補助計畫(A類)-人工智慧醫學影像檢測模組課程, 20210701-20220831, 主持人
110年度教育部計畫: 智慧創新跨域人才培育聯盟計畫「智慧創新人才培育示範學校:VAR體感跨域創新人才培育計畫」, 20210201-20220131, 協同主持人
109年度產學合作計畫: 基於私有雲平台之智能設備監診模組建立, 中國鋼鐵股份有限公司委託, 共同主持人
109年度經濟部工業局計畫: AI智慧應用新世代人才培育計畫, 授課教師
108年度科技部計畫: 物聯網遠端監測中基於行動收集節點的資料收集系統, MOST 108-2221-E-153-003, 20190801-20200731, 主持人
107年度產學合作計畫: 居家環境安全暨生理監測系統, 億曜企業股份公司委託, 共同主持人
105年度科技部計畫: 智慧電網中無線可充電感測網路結合充電與定位機制(II), MOST 105-2221-E-153-004, 20160801-20180731, 主持人
104年度科技部計畫: 智慧電網中無線可充電感測網路結合充電與定位機制, MOST 104-2221-E-153-004, 20150801-20160731, 主持人
101年度國科會計畫: 車載隨意網路中路側設備基礎定位機制與軌跡知覺路由技術之設計與實作(II), NSC 101-2221-E-251-004, 20120801-20150731, 主持人
100年度國科會計畫: 車載隨意網路中路側設備基礎定位機制與軌跡知覺路由技術之設計與實作, NSC 100-2221-E-251-006, 20110801-20120731, 主持人
99年度國科會計畫: 無線感測網路中以行動錨節點為基礎的定位機制與路徑規劃之設計與實作(II), NSC 99-2221-E-251-006, 20100801-20110731, 主持人
98年度國科會計畫: 無線感測網路中以行動錨節點為基礎的定位機制與路徑規劃之設計與實作, NSC 98-2221-E-251-002, 20090801-20100731, 主持人
97年度國科會計畫: 三維無線感測網路中位置定位系統設計及實作(II), NSC 97-2221-E-251-002, 20080801-20090731, 主持人
96年度國科會計畫: 三維無線感測網路中位置定位系統設計及實作(I), NSC 96-2218-E-251-003, 20070801-20080731, 主持人
99-100年度資訊軟體人才培育推廣計畫, 授課教師
99年度教育部資通訊課程推廣計畫, 20100201-20110131, 授課教師
98-99年度RFID科技及應用學程計畫, 授課教師
98年度教育部計劃: 青年資訊志工計畫─縮減城鄉數位落差, 20090901-20100531, 副領隊
97年度教育部計劃: 青年資訊志工計畫─縮減城鄉數位落差, 20080901-20090531, 副領隊
96-97年度教育部資通訊課程推廣計畫, 20071201-20090131, 授課教師
96年度教育部計劃: 青年資訊志工計畫─縮減城鄉數位落差, 20070901-20080531, 副領隊